
Meet us at major events in the field

We regularly present our latest achievements at major conferences and workshops.

Since 1996 we never missed any ASC (Applied Superconductivity Conference) in the USA and EUCAS (European Conference on Applied Superconductivity), where we always have our exhibition booth where people can come and meet us. We also regularly submit papers or talks covering our new research. We also  organize or co-organize professional conferences. Come and talk to us in person!

Upcoming Events

2024 September 1 — 2023 September 6

Applied Superconductivity Conference - ASC 2024

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September 1 - 6, 2024, Salt Lake City, USA

Want to see us in person? Come and meet CAN at ASC, where we will, as always since 1996, have our exhibition booth. Our specialist will also contribute to the scientific program with a talk and a few posters. See you in SLC in September!

Past Events

2024 June 24 — 2024 June 28

Superconductivity Summer School

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Conectus is hosting the ESAS Summer School of Superconductivity in Prague, Czech Republic, June 24-28, 2024 and CAN is proud to be a local organizer.

A visit in CAN SUPERCONDUCTORS is included in the program.

2023 September 3 — 2023 September 7

EUCAS 2023

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The European conference on applied superconductivity (EUCAS) is held in Bologna, Italy from 3rd to 7th September.

You will find us in our booth every day of the exhibition and we will also present our latest achievements in an invited talk and several other oral and poster presentations.

Looking forward to meeting you in Bologna!

2023 August 31 — 2023 September 1


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13th International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO Materials in Caen, France

2022 November 29 — 2022 December 1

ISS 2022

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The 35th International Symposium on Superconductivity
Web-based Symposium
November 29 – December 1, 2022

2022 October 23 — 2022 October 28

ASC 2022

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Applied Superconductivity Conference 2022
October 23-28, Honolulu, Hawaii

Since 1996 we have never missed a single ASC and so again this year, we will show our progress in our exhibition booth as well as within several presentations during the conference.

Our CEO Jan Plechacek is giving an oral presentation on Monday 24th on Recent Advances in HTS Bulks for Industrial Use (Session 1MOr1B - Bulk Superconductors: HTS) and we will also be presenting 7 posters both as sole authors or co-authors with leading research institutions.

Come and meet us in booth 507, you can play with our MAGLEV train set!

2022 September 14 — 2022 September 16


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29th International Superconductivity Industry Summit
September 14-16, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic

2021 November 30 — 2021 December 2

ISS 2021

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Invited presentation of CAN at ISS2021.​

2021 November 11 — 2021 November 13


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We are presenting our latest results to HTS bulk community at PASREG 2021.

2021 September 5 — 2021 September 9

EUCAS 2021

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As every time since 1997, also this year we are present at EUCAS 2021 as exhibitors, this time through a virtual booth. Our colleagues also have 3 poster presentations there.

2020 October 24 — 2020 October 7

ASC 2020

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Applied Superconductivity Conference 2020
October 24 - November 7, 2020

We will have a booth as well as several presentations during the conference. Come and meet us, you can play with our MAGLEV train set!

2019 September 2 — 2019 September 5

EUCAS 2019

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We had our booth at EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.

2019 August 29 — 2019 August 30


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We hosted PASREG 2019 conference in Prague which attracted 83 professionals from bulk superconductivity from 17 countries.

2018 October 28 — 2018 November 2

ASC 2018

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We took part at ASC 2018 exhibition in Seattle and got an award of recognition for exhibiting at every ASC since 1996!

2017 September 17 — 2017 September 21

EUCAS 2017

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We exhibited our products at EUCAS 2017 in Geneva.