Research and Development Projects

Cooperation With Major Academical Organizations Worldwide
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Recently Completed R&D Projects

Research and development of materials for deposition of superconducting thin films

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​Project in cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, co-financed from the state budget within the TRIO programme of the Ministry of Industry of the Czech Republic, Project no. FV40201, 2019 - 2022

Recycling high-temperature superconducting materials

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Project aimed to transformation of REBCO waste to high-value products or secondary precursors. We are developing a new robust chemical technique based on full dissolution of REBCO materials. Co-financed by OPPIK programe of Ministry of Industry and Trade and European fund for regional development. Project no. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026741, 2021-2023

Large Bulk (RE)BCO superconducting magnets for desktop NMR/MRI

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​Joint project of University of Cambridge and University of Oxford. CAN is the project partner/industrial supplier of REBCO bulks. Other project partners are Oxford Instruments and Siemens. Project no. EP/T014679/1 and ​EP/T01539X/1.

Development of Horizontal and Vertical Levitation Transport Systems

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Project in cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Project no.: TH02010822 co-financed by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR)

Advanced Superconductors for Levitation Disks

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project in cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, co-financed from the state budget within the TRIO programme of the Ministry of Industry of the Czech Republic, Project no. FV10522

Industrial Research and Experimental Development of high-temperature Superconducting Crystals for Batch Production for Commercial Applications

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(EU Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness, Project no.: ​CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_018/0001791)

Superconducting Crystals for Practical Applications

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FR-TI4/184 - Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic

Magdrive - Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-Contact Harmonic Drive

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FP7-SPACE-2010-1 European Research Project